It\’s a Wrap!

The DC Voice reached over 4000 readers this year. That may sound small by Internet standards but it represents nearly 6% of the Ward 5 reachable audience! We want to thank all of you who read our posts and insights this year that ranged from ANC meetings to zero tolerance campaigns on sexual harassment. It …

It\’s a Wrap! Read More »

AG Racine Sues Facebook for Failing to Protect Millions of Users\’ Data

December 19, 2018 Lax Oversight and Misleading Privacy Policies Enabled Cambridge Analytica to Acquire 340,000+ District Consumers’ Data for Political Purposes WASHINGTON, D. C. – Attorney General Karl A. Racine today sued Facebook, Inc. for failing to protect its users’ data, enabling abuses like one that exposed nearly half of all District residents’ data to […]

Merry Christmas

From The DC Voice Family to Yours! [ngg src=\”galleries\” ids=\”46\” exclusions=\”655,657,659\” display=\”pro_horizontal_filmstrip\” width=\”150\”] 

North Michigan Park Community and Advisory Neighborhood Commission Continue Protest Opposing Pax Liquor

North Michigan Park residents are furious and plan to protest about the influx of applications from non-DC residents seeking to open and operate liquor establishments in their community.  This is the second alcohol license that the community has had to fight in the last six (6) months.  ANC 5A successfully opposed the 4 Seasons Convenience …

North Michigan Park Community and Advisory Neighborhood Commission Continue Protest Opposing Pax Liquor Read More »

The Signs Have Been Selected for Saturday\’s Scheduled Protest

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5A held a Special Meeting on Thursday, December 20th at UDC Backus to continue planning and organizing the community\’s opposition to the proposed Pax Liquor at 4944 South Dakota Ave in North Michigan Park. The Special Meeting was well attended.  Chairman Edwards emphasized that \”we want to make sure we make it …

The Signs Have Been Selected for Saturday\’s Scheduled Protest Read More »

The Damage is Irreversible – If it acts like a publisher…

In my previous post \”The Damage is Irreversible – Closed Captioning\” I relay the position I found myself in after my post on The MGM Grand Opening. The other part of that story has to do with the communication with the tech company in trying to resolve the issue. The tech company believes sending a …

The Damage is Irreversible – If it acts like a publisher… Read More »

How To Support Small Businesses While Protecting Your Coin

Small businesses are essential to our economy. In the age of technology, it’s much easier to get products out to the public. Lately, I’ve been going out of my way to support smaller businesses. It’s imperative to establish financial independence, and I want to help people trying to accomplish that. While the Internet is a …

How To Support Small Businesses While Protecting Your Coin Read More »