Black History Month Film Festival

During Black History Month, Mayor Muriel Bowser\’s Office of African American Affairs and Urban Film Review presented the \”2018 Black History Film Festival.\” There\’s a possibility that if blacks in America are educated about Black Films along with Black Film Directors during the month of February while honoring Black History Month, they would most likely …

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Crossing Boundaries to Get an Education in the District

More than a twitter trend or the latest brand, deciding where your child attends school requires some critical thinking.  The school building can be beautiful with plush furniture and TV monitors, but are the teachers ready to teach?  And are the resources ready and available at the school? Despite the discovery of DCPS attendance reports, …

Crossing Boundaries to Get an Education in the District Read More »

Celebrating Frederick Douglass During Black History Month

Would it be best to reclaim the entire month of February, and celebrate Black History Month in March?  Maybe that is asking too much.  Well, considering we are approaching the twenty-eight-day mark, it is wishful thinking.  However, before the end is near let\’s honor Frederick Douglass. Known as \”The Lion of Anacostia\” Frederick Douglass was …

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Is Black History Month Still Appreciated or Declining in American Value?

From the recent Kente cloth adorned along the shoulders and neck of Congressional Black Caucus Members during the State of the Union address to the discovery that Britons may have been black 10,000 years ago, is #BlackHistoryMonth still appreciated in America or does it no longer hold its value? Just think for a moment.  How would …

Is Black History Month Still Appreciated or Declining in American Value? Read More »

District Students Ready for a New Curriculum with Engagement for the Classroom

The phrase which once served as an educational pillar “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” coined by the United Negro College Fund is now a past time.  But what happens when the teacher could no longer keep the mind of their pupils?  Sparking critical thinking to reach their full potential pass lunch time.  …

District Students Ready for a New Curriculum with Engagement for the Classroom Read More »

A Dream Deferred, Denied or Caught Between DACA and Dr. King

Recently, many in America commemorated the observation of the federal holiday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Some contributing to service day community projects or attending ceremonies.  Honoring Dr. King had a much different tone and harmony this year considering America has a new Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump.   Despite the denial of Donald Trump being President, he …

A Dream Deferred, Denied or Caught Between DACA and Dr. King Read More »

They Came Back! Women March Again in 2018

Miss District of Columbia plays host to the 2018 verison of the women\’s march on the Washington Mall. [ngg_images source=\”galleries\” container_ids=\”42\” exclusions=\”591\” sortorder=\”591,585,610,574,576,590,577,589,578,586,579,598,580,607,581,582,593,584,587,592,588,595,583,609,594,596,608,597,613,600,601,612,602,603,604,605,606,575,599,611\” display_type=\”photocrati-nextgen_pro_horizontal_filmstrip\” image_crop=\”0\” image_pan=\”1\” show_playback_controls=\”1\” show_captions=\”0\” caption_class=\”caption_overlay_bottom\” caption_height=\”70\” aspect_ratio=\”1.5\” width=\”100\” width_unit=\”%\” transition=\”fade\” transition_speed=\”1\” slideshow_speed=\”5\” border_size=\”0\” border_color=\”#ffffff\” override_thumbnail_settings=\”1\” thumbnail_width=\”120\” thumbnail_height=\”90\” thumbnail_crop=\”1\” ngg_triggers_display=\”always\” order_by=\”sortorder\” order_direction=\”ASC\” returns=\”included\” maximum_entity_count=\”500\”]