Now that the weather has finally adjusted to a bearable temperature, taking a walk is not such a bad idea. Walking and working out are fun! In fact, it\’s phenomenal, simply because of the results.

DC Get Ready To \”Leave It On the Floor\”
With a mission and goal to honor Women, highlighting the importance of Women\’s Wellness and Fitness, PR WIZ, LLC presented the \”Mind Body & Soul Women\’s Wellness Fitness Tour\” featuring MixFitz Studio Mrs. Crystal Wall of Houston, Texas.
A perfect start to Mother\’s Day weekend, the MBSWWFT kicked off a Halftime Sports Bar, Saturday afternoon on H Street in Ward 5 DC. Although I exercise twice a week, watching Instagram fitness classes from your smart phone has an different affect in real life! Mrs. Wall introduced herself along with the #BAMFs. The first song I\’m like \”oh my\” this is getting intense, but I can\’t stop now! Another attendee says \”we are enjoying it, and we\’re about to die.\” Finally, a small break arrived for water, but not enough to cool you off; before it was time to \”leave it on the floor\” once more.

The Mind Body & Soul Women\’s Wellness Fitness Tour is important for many reasons beyond promoting the importance of Women\’s Wellness and Fitness. According to the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Division, heart disease is the leading cause of death for African American and White Women in the United States. Other high risk factors include poor diet, and diabetes which is high levels of blood glucose resulting from defects in insulin production and action. The MBSWWFT is a perfect choice to aid in prevention of these leading causes of death among African American and White women in the US.
Through facilitating adopting a healthy lifestyle nurturing the mind, body, and soul; attendees enjoyed delicious delights delicately made by @thelifestyleshift who wanted to bless attendees with good greens goodness \”Alive Salad\”. These greens were soaked in various plant-based foods versus ham hock.

A moment of motivation by author Beverly Smith-Brown, and engaged in over 60 minutes of high intense physical activity taught by Mrs. Crystal Wall. This tour was able to impact the District impart through collaborating with companies such as DTLR, Get Hemp Butter, and High Definition Society that understand the importance of Women\’s Wellness, adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Supporting Women\’s Wellness
Although heart disease and diabetes are leading causes of death among Women in the United States, adopting a healthy lifestyle nurturing the mind body and soul are preventive measures.