Algenis Mendez vs. Robert Easter, Jr at DC Stadium Armory

As a reporter you\’re supposed to keep a neutral stance in your approach to telling a story, however remain factual.  Well, I would just like to say \”off the record,\” silently I was cheering for Robert Easter, Jr.  It was something about his smile that really made me pay attention to him.  Just give a smile time and patience to reveal its true self, then you will see what is behind that smile, and boy oh boy boxing fans at DC Stadium Armory saw just that, all 8, 172 of them.

His opponent, Algenis Mendez, was very confident going into the ring as he should have been. However, he was defeated in the fifth round.  At the press conference Mendez emphasized his English wasn\’t good, however that statement came out perfectly clear.  Unfortunately, it was perfectly clear that Mendez was unable to stand up during the fifth round. About two minutes in,  referee William Johnson called the match with lightweight boxing champion Robert Easter, Jr taking the title with 17-0 record.

Robert stated at the press conference \”just be ready for a lot of action\” and that he was \”supposed to be here\”.  This fight will take him to the next level in his professional boxing career. Before Easter finished his remarks at the press conference he also said \”he gotta a big head so I\’m not going to miss at all\” referring to his opponent Algenis Mendez.  Easter did live up to his words; the fight was great, plenty of action and body blows.