Amazing Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound! Oh yes! January 20, 2021, my eyes filled with tears of joy as I watched Joe Biden and Kamala Harris be sworn in as our new President and Vice-president of this United States of America. The run of the show was amazing in itself. With the sounds of spirituality as a backdrop and humbleness in the air, history was being made once again. Just like when Barrack Obama became the first African American to become President, the feeling of proudness about being a Black American came over me and down my face! No, this isn\’t a recap. It\’s healing. It\’s an admiration for what I saw unfold at our Nation\’s Capitol that touched my heart and filled my very soul.

And It Is So

A man of faith, President Biden attended service at St. Matthews the Apostle before his inauguration! Tears, tears, tears, slowly streaming down my face; how moving. Starting the event in the house of the Lord! Yes! Proverbs 3:6 (Amplified Bible) says \”In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].\” Wow! How intense. The Lord will remove the obstacles that block your way. And that He did for President Biden and the American people. All this happening at the same time that Air Force One took off from the White House carrying for the last time, the Former President – Biden\’s obstacle.

For Us Diversity in Motion

Pre-inauguration\’s moment of remembrance. Let\’s begin with the day before the inauguration. Out of D.C. was the honorable Cardinal Wilton Gregory D.C.\’s first African American Cardinal in the country for the U.S. and the archbishop of Washington – delivered the invocation at a memorial service at the Lincoln Memorial\’s reflecting pool to honor the 400,000 Americans who’ve died as a result of COVID-19. Lori Marie Keys an African American nurse from Michigan belted out a wonderful rendition of \”Amazing Grace.\” And to add icing to the cake, gospel singer Yolanda Adams performed “Hallelujah.”

Tears please stop! The next day as the inauguration went into full throttle, on January 20th, the glow of diversity that is America, continues to illuminate the event. Oh what a day! It just keeps getting better. You have Sergeant Eugene Goodman, a Black officer who faced down a mostly White mob (don\’t get it twisted, there were some Black people involved in the insurrection as well) who stormed the Capitol on that very day as a shift in leadership was taking place, escorted Vice President Kamala Harris at the inauguration. It was announced that Sergeant Goodman was promoted to the White House\’s Acting Deputy House Sergeant-at-Arms.

Next, the piece de resistance! Kamala Harris, an African American, Asian American woman, is sworn in by Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina to serve on the United States Supreme Court. Then there\’s the fabulous superstar Latina, Jennifer Lopez effortlessly and beautifully sang a medley that includes “This Land is My Land.” Before she finished, lifted her finger and proclaimed: “Una nación, bajo Dios, indivisible, con libertad y justicia para todos!” TranslatedOne nation, under God, indivisible, with freedom and justice for all!

The beauty didn\’t stop there. African American youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman, with sweetness and conviction, captured the attention of the world with an electrified reciting of her inaugural poem entitled \”The Hill We Climb\” For there is always light. Let us find that light. Oh, how profound! Nope. I\’m not done yet. To close out the ceremony Reverend Dr. Sylvester Beaman, an African American, Wilmington, Delaware Pastor and close friend of President Biden, delivered the benediction. 

As the day proceeded, people were recognized and honored. One unforgettable recognition was of Sandra Lindsay, a nurse out of Long Island, New York who became the first Black woman and person to be vaccinated against COVID. She delivered a message that represented and celebrated healthcare workers around the world.

As sunlight turns to  moonlight, handsome soulful crooner, John Legend took the stage, in front of the Lincoln Memorial; complete with a grand piano and sang the classic Nina Simone song “Feeling Good.” I could hardly contain myself. If that wasn\’t enough singer-songwriter Andra Day, from the roof of the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles sang her chart topping hit song \”Rise Up\” while over on the east coast an adorable 10-year-old, African American girl whose name is Kaitlyn Saunders performed a skating routine at Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, D.C. both delivering Earth-shaking inspiring performances. Where are my tissues!!!

Prayers, speeches, and performances! What a grand stand! Congratulations President Joe Biden and Madam Vice President Kamala Harris! Weeping may endure for the night, but Hallelujah, joy comes in the morning! His grace is amazing!