January 16, 2019
ANC5C kicked off the new year with a tightly run, spirited, and informative session at the Fifth District Police Station on Bladensburg Road. Over thirty residents filled the community room to watch the swearing in of the newly elected commissioners and hear from a number of speakers.

Led my Chairperson Manning, the meeting moved swiftly, stayed on point, and adjourned at the designated time.

The first presentation, ANC 5C01 3110 Monroe Street Special Exception, Zoning Case 19914, consumed a great deal of the time as Catarina Ferreira, Principal at ARCT, exchanged differences in opinion on the interpretation of the exceptions she was requesting. Most of that exchange was with Commisioner Montague, Jr.

The neighborhood concerns ranged from drainage and stormwater issues to accessory dwelling units. Accessory dwellings deal with the practice of converting basements into apartments. This is a common practice as developers renovate these properties and maximize their income value. Although frustrating to Ward 5 residents, Ferreira advised that it didn\’t apply to her request based on changes in 2016.
In somewhat rapid succession the meeting moved through Nolan Treadway, Communications Director, for Councilman McDuffie, Jamaal Jordan, Pepca Public Affairs Manager, and Dominique Chestnut, Executive Office of the Mayor.
Some of the highlights of these discussions were:
Pepco\’s Ambassador\’s Program
- Former Pepco employees who serve as ambassors to the ANC
- They address and advocate for the needs of the ANC consituents
- The residents insisted that the ambassadors not only needed to be the eyes and ears but also keep them updated on what\’s being done

- Second Chance Amendment Act of 2019
- The Mayor\’s position on Air BnB and short-term leasing in the District
- Although Mr. Chestnut was not able to provide an update on the Mayor\’s position Mr. Treadway interjected that she would be announcing her position very soon. He mentioned that the Mayor is watching the Airbnb v New York.
- Airbnb is also a growing concern in D.C. as longterm rentals are reduced by Airbnb\’s short term housing model
ANC meetings are the heart of the community. Hope we\’ll see you at the next ANC 5c meeting.