Myles Walker

Fake news typed on vintage typewriter.

Fake News: The AMP Attitude

The content of this article is satirical and represents a work of fiction, or Fake News. The characters within are fictitious. A federal grand jury convened Wednesday to unanimously indict social media superstar Alex Albot on multiple felony and misdemeanor charges. Those charges include wire fraud, racketeering, battery, aggravated assault, bribery, disorderly conduct, vandalism, public intoxication,

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Hand holding a marijuana joint.

Weed, Washington, and a Wicked Cycle

The “system” spoken of in the term “systemic oppression” is a devilishly intricate piece of machinery. In the American sense, it was forged from several centuries’ worth of enslaving, lynching, miseducating, litigating, suppressing, redistricting, policing, and a litany of further -ings that I haven’t the time nor the energy to list. It is the time-tested

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