Can I Speak Freely

Hillary Clinton Honors White Women with a Bash During Women\’s History Month

Is it proper etiquette, for a former First Lady and Secretary of State to travel the country talking about her short-lived sitcom of sharing the exact seat of her husband, by bashing women to persuade the people in the audience?  Maybe this is a new strategy for a political party to adopt to prevent the …

Hillary Clinton Honors White Women with a Bash During Women\’s History Month Read More »

Black History Month Continues Because It\’s American History

As Black History Month makes its exit to stage left, will #Wakanda live forever?  Only time will tell, however the Black Panther movie is making much money.  Did the movie make up for the 28 day celebration of Black History Month?  Not quite, but it is certainty on the verge. Will people still be eager …

Black History Month Continues Because It\’s American History Read More »

Is Black History Month Still Appreciated or Declining in American Value?

From the recent Kente cloth adorned along the shoulders and neck of Congressional Black Caucus Members during the State of the Union address to the discovery that Britons may have been black 10,000 years ago, is #BlackHistoryMonth still appreciated in America or does it no longer hold its value? Just think for a moment.  How would …

Is Black History Month Still Appreciated or Declining in American Value? Read More »

A Dream Deferred, Denied or Caught Between DACA and Dr. King

Recently, many in America commemorated the observation of the federal holiday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Some contributing to service day community projects or attending ceremonies.  Honoring Dr. King had a much different tone and harmony this year considering America has a new Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump.   Despite the denial of Donald Trump being President, he …

A Dream Deferred, Denied or Caught Between DACA and Dr. King Read More »

Time for Racial Exit Poll Data to Exit: Eliminating the Racial Divide in America

No mention of a hanging chad, or a candidate being left off of the ballot.  It was simply the Alabama Senate race which has ended in a not so fair win for one candidate.  Rather, a tenacious task with Democratic runner Doug Jones and Republican runner Roy Moore up for the challenge, but the constituents …

Time for Racial Exit Poll Data to Exit: Eliminating the Racial Divide in America Read More »

Did Artificial Intelligence Ruin the 2016 Presidential Race?

Roughly twelve months ago- the people were faced with making a genuine decision; selection of who will be the 2016 President of the United States of America.  Since that day American\’s cast their vote, many have been perplexed as to how this paramount Presidential shift occurred?  Despite the debacle debates, much racial tension, taunting, slurs, and even physical …

Did Artificial Intelligence Ruin the 2016 Presidential Race? Read More »


\”Don\’t Need To Gel\” is generating much buzz around the internet since its release. \”Don\’t Need To Gel\” was inspired by America\’s Tech giants that are very innovative and leading the world of artificial intelligence.  Reporter Mindy Jo wrote the song and her alter ego \”MJ Tha Great\” laid down the versus.

Is the Constitution of the United States of America Fading?

We recently celebrated Cristobal Colon, an Italian explorer who apparently discovered the \”New World,\” but many oppose his story.  Being that the West was preoccupied upon his arrival; he may have been subject to reclaiming his time and taking over the terrain.  Luckily, the start of the \”New World\” didn\’t begin with this questionable discovery, …

Is the Constitution of the United States of America Fading? Read More »

Where Does the Value Lie: In the Institution, Student or Debt?

In a few weeks from today, many people will embark upon a new journey, or some will be back in the swing of things completing their college course curriculum\’s.  Nonetheless, where does the value lie in the institution, student or student loan debt? Asset Breakdown  The institution is simply a building without administrators, faculty, facility …

Where Does the Value Lie: In the Institution, Student or Debt? Read More »