Can I Speak Freely

ART Matters

Could you imagine life without art?  It would be quite awful.  It\’s possibly safe to say no need to argue that thought.  A world without art has no life. Art is Everything There is no escaping art.  From our home to our car, clothes, shoes, you name it! Some elements or art techniques were required. …

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Whose Rights? Women and Transgender Women

It\’s a lovely start to Spring!  What\’s most beautiful it\’s still Women\’s History Month!  During this month Women are recognized for their many accomplishments, and contributions to communities in America and abroad.  Should Transgender Women be given the same rights as Women?  Why or why not? Tune in

Black History Month: Black Creatives Keep the Culture Alive

Although Black History Month is coming to an end, Black Creatives gathered at Culture Coffee in Washington DC to discuss ways to keep the community thriving beyond 28 days.  Whiskey Girl\’s Live discussion was moderated by blogger, and Spoken Word Artist @whiskey_grrl along with Visual Artist Traci L. Turner with performances by Black Assets, D. Baker, …

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The Silent Displacement

Watching the slow but steady transition of Ward 5 is heart-wrenching. Three-story houses go up in a month. Whole blocks vanish in a week. Landmarks are gone forever. That\’s the trend throughout DC. Ward 5 is no exception. But the real question is who\’s protecting us against the silent displacement taking place? With one large …

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