Around The City

Focus on: Clarence Cherry; On Islam, Community, and Our Youth

The voicemail simply asked whether The DC Voice was interested in sharing the narrative of a Black man, who\’s also a black Muslim in America today. The hour-long conversation with Clarence Cherry, entrepreneur, former DC firefighter, activist, father of 5 and the CEO and Founder of Health & Wealth Nation, LLC shed new light on …

Focus on: Clarence Cherry; On Islam, Community, and Our Youth Read More »

Red Light Cameras; Public Safety or DC Piggy Bank?

In breaking news from the American Automobile Association, 939 people lost their lives in red-light running crashes in 2017. This figure represents a 10-year high and is the highest death toll since 2008. Sadly, data indicates that there\’s been a 30% increase in red-light running fatalities since 2012.  In an attempt to combat this growing public safety concern, many …

Red Light Cameras; Public Safety or DC Piggy Bank? Read More »

Remembering the March on Washington – August 28, 1963

Top Blogs · Bookmark/Share · Contact Us Search     The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom On August 28, 1963 a quarter million people came to the nation’s capital to petition their duly elected government in a demonstration known as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Frustrated by the inaction of […]

There\’s History Around Every Corner – Don\’t Forget to Look Up!

The murals in alleys, rooftops, and parking lots paint the history of the District. Just don\’t forget to look up or you might miss something, These are just a handful of the murals that adorn the walls around historic Ben\’s Chili Bowl on U Street! [ngg src=\”galleries\” ids=\”60\” exclusions=\”889\” display=\”pro_horizontal_filmstrip\”]   

BBQ Battle in DC

This year’s Annual Giant National Capital Barbecue Battle consisted of a combination of barbecue and business. This event was jam-packed with multiple award-winning franchises in attendance for this clash of barbecues and recipes. All of the franchises competing to be deemed the champion of barbecue in the nation, and what better place to hash it …

BBQ Battle in DC Read More »

Where the Walls Come Alive!

Enjoy this photo shoot from Blagden Alley and the surrounding historic Shaw neighborhood; where the walls come alive! Photos by Jahair Jones [ngg src=\”galleries\” ids=\”56\” sortorder=\”780,735,736,739,740,742,743,744,745,746,747,748,750,751,752,753,754,755,756,757,758,759,760,761,762,763,764,765,766,767,768,769,770,771,772,773,774,776,777,778,779\” display=\”pro_mosaic\”]Photos by Jahair Jones