Around The City

The Final Solution For Missing Girls in DC

The doors of New Samaritan Baptist church are open, and it\’s not yet Sunday morning worship service!  New Samaritan, and Pilgrim Baptist Church presented a community forum on \”Human Trafficking Prevention\” for residents of Ward 5 and 6. This discussion comes at a great time surrounding the uncertainty of the analytics searches for hashtag \”Missing Girls …

The Final Solution For Missing Girls in DC Read More »

FCC Extends Regulation to Online Digital Streaming Sources

It was a bright, and sunny start for the Federal Communication Commission meeting on Thursday morning. With a packed meeting room and many agenda items, the meeting was off to a great start!   During the \”Accelerating Wireline Broadband Development by Removing barriers to infrastructure investment,\” panel discussion, a new singing group in the district …

FCC Extends Regulation to Online Digital Streaming Sources Read More »

What is the Solution for Missing Girls in DC?

It was a few weeks after the \”Women\’s March\” on Washington, that DC would gain more worldwide attention.  This time, not for more marching measures, moreover to aid in #MISSINGGIRLSDC.  One of the biggest social media pushes to date.  Not to mention, no concrete information came across social media threads as to how the girls went missing. …

What is the Solution for Missing Girls in DC? Read More »

Hackathon – #SaferStrongerSmarterDC

What is Hackathon? Hackathon was the event hosted by the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), and the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT). Click the image below to view the report summary. Courtesy: Office of the Chief Technology Officer