Chestnut Street Sidewalk Improvement Project

Project Background
The Chestnut Street NW, Washington, DC corridor will undergo an upgrade to incorporate appropriate pedestrian facilities, adequate crosswalks and accessibility to and from the three existing bus stop locations. The Chestnut Street Sidewalk Improvement Project is designed to provide a safer environment for pedestrians, bicyclist and motorist in the community.
Project Objective
The Chestnut Street Sidewalk Improvement Project is designed to create the addition of a new sidewalk on the north side of Chestnut Street, NW, from Western Avenue to Oregon Avenue. This design phase of the Chestnut Street Sidewalk Improvement Project will include engineering design services and is necessary in completing the design and construction documentation and requirements for the Chestnut Street Sidewalk Improvement Project construction.
Project Goals

Construction of a new sidewalk on the north side of the street
Utility upgrades
New Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramps
Landscape restoration

Anticipated Project Timeline

Design Completion: Fall 2020
Construction Start: Spring 2021
Construction End: Winter/Spring 2022

Project Contact
Jam Kendrick, [email protected]

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