MOAAA is soliciting grant applications for its FY 2021 African American Affairs Community Grant from qualified Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) providing direct services to the District’s African American community. Funding priority areas identified for FY 2021 are aligned with Mayor Muriel Bowser’s administration budget priorities: Education | Jobs & Economic Development | Public Safety | Civic Engagement | Health & Wellness |Youth Engagement | Arts & Creative Economy. Electronic Submission Deadline: 5 pm on Friday, August 7, 2020 via ZoomGrants. APPLY HERE: zoomgrants.com/gprop.asp?donorid=2300&limited=2991 Coronavirus (COVID-19) 
COVID-19 Hotline: Are you homebound due to COVID-19? We’re here to help. To request food and other essentials: Call: 1-888-349-8323, or visit coronavirus.dc.gov/gethelp Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing: Get a free test by visiting NeedATestGetATest.com Mask Mandate: It\’s simple; when you leave home, you must wear a mask. We all have a shared responsibility to protect DC. Wear a mask. Save lives. Stop the spread. Mental Health Hotline: Need someone to talk with? We are here for you. Call 1-888-793-4357 to speak with a mental health clinician. Learn about Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and resources at coronavirus.dc.gov. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Recovery Resources Cornonavirus.dc.gov provides information and resources for residents on businesses, health, housing, and individuals available at coronavirus.dc.gov/recovery. Here are a few resources below: Businesses: Resources are available for businesses at coronavirus.dc.gov/recovery-business Individuals: Resources are available for individuals at coronavirus.dc.gov/recovery-individuals. Census 2020 
For too long, Black Washingtonians have been undercounted in the census, and it has left our communities underfunded & underrepresented. The #2020Census is our chance to get it right. Let\’s #GetCountedDC and build the future we deserve! You can complete the 2020 Census at 2020census.gov DCPS – #ReOpen Strong 
On July 30, following the guidance of DC Health, Mayor Bowser and Chancellor Ferebee announced that DCPS will start School Year 2020-2021 virtually, with all students learning at home. Consistent student engagement is critical and attendance will be taken daily during learning at home. #EveryDayCounts! DCPS Technology Access Survey: We know students will engage in learning at home in some capacity in SY20-21 and we want to ensure families have the tech resources necessary to reopen strong. Please complete the survey to share your student\’s device and internet access needs: t.co/vm2YH8FyYy Visit dcpsreopenstrong.com for more information. DC Health Link – COVID-19 Benefits Update 
DC Health Link has expanded enrollment – any uninsured resident can sign up. You do not need documents or paperwork to complete the easy online enrollment. #GetCoveredDC Visit DC Health Link COVID-19 Benefits Update for information. DC Facilities and Commemorative Expressions (DC FACES) Survey Mayor Bowser charged the District of Columbia Facilities and Commemorative Expressions (DCFACES) Working Group with evaluating named DC Government-owned facilities and making recommendations if any, actions need to be taken if the person the facility is named for is inconsistent with DC values and in some way encouraged the oppression of African Americans and other communities of color or contributed to our long history of systemic racism. The DCFACES Working Group wants to hear from you. Please take a moment to complete this survey and let us know of any District assets to the group should consider: Complete the DCFACES Survey 
In August, we celebrate Black Business Month and highlight the contributions of Black owned businesses and entrepreneurs. Everyone is encouraged to support Black businesses in August. MOAAA and the Greater Washington Black Chamber of Commerce (GWBCC) conducted a #BlackOwnedBusiness tour providing “Black Owned Business” signs to Black businesses across the District. If you\’re interested in getting a Black Owned Business sign, email MOAAA at [email protected]. GWBCC – Understanding & Leveraging CBE Waivers (Part 1) 
The Greater Washington Black Chamber of Commerce (GWBCC) hosted the first of a two-part series about how to identify near term opportunities for businesses through DC contract waivers with the Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP) and the Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD). Here are OCP\’s and DSLBD\’s presentations: DSLBD Presentation and OCP Presentation. You can watch the replay of the event here: Webinar Replay For information about the GWBCC, visit gwbcc.org Financially Fit DC: A Workshop Series on Black Generational Wealth Building 
Join MOAAA, the Department of Insurance Securities and Banking, DC Public Library, and Industrial Bank at the Financially Fit DC Workshop Series on Leveraging Life Insurance to Build Generational Wealth. This workshop will explain the different types of insurance (e.g. whole life vs. term life vs. final expense). You can watch video recordings of the previous Financially Fit DC Workshop Series here: June 16: Tax Preparation | July 21: Family Financial Emergency Planning. Register Here: FinanciallyFitDC.Eventbrite.com Summer 2020: Higher Education Series 
Join the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking Student Loan Ombudsman and local colleges and universities for a three-part series on attending college during the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency. The Summer 2020 Higher Education Series provides recent District high school graduates and their families with resources that will help them navigate college entry successfully. Register here: Summer 2020 Higher Education Series Contact Survey Please complete this survey to submit your updated contact information to receive MOAAA\’s newsletter and information about upcoming events and initiatives. We want to hear from you. CONTACT US Ashley Emerson Executive Director [email protected] Lionell Gaines Associate Director [email protected] |