Cure the Streets Boosts Census Participation in Ward 8

June 9, 2020
CTS Census Work
Cure the Streets workers educating residents about how to complete the 2020 Census.
In addition to their important work interrupting and de-escalating violence in target neighborhoods in the District, OAG’s Cure the Streets teams have been busy encouraging people to complete the Census. In fact, Cure the Streets outreach is paying off in increased participation in the Truxton Circle and Wingate areas. Their efforts in Washington Highlands/Congress Heights have pushed participation to 51 percent, making it the first Ward 8 tract to hit that marker!

Census Outreach
One way that Cure the Streets teams have encouraged participation in the 2020 Census is by distributing public education materials to the community to increase awareness about the Census. Cure the Streets has hung door hangers and included materials when distributing meals to families in need. They placed large posters on their vehicles during the mobile peace rally to raise awareness and remind the community to complete the Census.

Cure the Streets teams have also worked to educate and encourage participation on a personal level. They have committed to completing the Census themselves, encouraging their friends and family to participate, and using social media to spread the word. At some sites, the teams have given access to computers to community members that need them to complete the Census. These efforts have made a real impact in target neighborhoods.

Why it’s Important for Everyone to Complete the Census
An accurate Census is critical to the District’s future. The federal government distributes billions of dollars to the District to support critical programs based on census data. District agencies use this information to make budgeting, planning, and policy decisions when it comes to schools, hospitals, infrastructure, and housing in the District.

Take 10 minutes to complete the Census and help the District get the resources it deserves! You can complete the Census in three ways:

Phone: 1-844-330-2020
Mailing back your form at no cos