Eugene Goodman – A D.C. Hero

When Eugene Goodman diverted a group of insurgents away from an area Vice President, Mike Pence had only vacated moments ago, and seconds away from possible death, a Black person had stood in the breach once again. He is also a native Washingtonian!

Why we love this country

The words of Doc Rivers ring in my ears as I watch the video of Goodman over and over. “It’s amazing why we keep loving this country…and this country does not love us back.” It was easy to initially mistake his actions as retreating to safety or to his backup officers. However, he was purposely diverting the crowd away from the vice president.

Making Southeast DC Proud

Goodman grew up in the southeast section of Washington, D.C., and served from 2002 to 2006 in the United States Army. His tour of duty included combat with the prestigious 101st Airborne Division in the Iraq War. Goodman left the military in December 2006 with the rank of sergeant. He joined the Capitol police in 2009.


Nikole Hannah-Jones writes, “Without the idealistic, strenuous and patriotic efforts of Black Americans, our democracy today would most likely look very different — it might not be a democracy at all.” Let that resonate for a second. “The People’s House” – The United States Capitol was now on the line.

This siege was the first time the Capitol had been breached since the War of 1812 when it was captured and burned in 1814. The war was referred to as the 2nd war of independence. Ironically, a Black man was the first casualty of the \”first war for independence\” i.e. The Revolutionary War. Luckily, this Black man didn\’t have to die.

Today, Goodman was front and center at President Biden\’s inauguration as he escorted Vice President Kamala Harris. This is just a small tribute to a fellow Washingtonian, from one of the most underserved communities in the Nation\’s Capital who is rising within the ranks of the U.S Capitol Hill police and when it counted demonstrated the paradox of Blacks in America.

Honor a DC and American Hero

Mayor Bowser, the City Council, and the ANCs should move to honor Goodman in some form or another. The DC Voice will do what it can to promote that cause!


A Black officer faced down a mostly White mob at the Capitol. Meet Eugene Goodman.

Capitol Police officer who faced down pro-Trump mob escorts Harris at inauguration

War of 1812