Fake News: Rough & Tumble

And that brings me to something that has been getting under my skin for a long time now. Now, while I know more seasoned listeners of The Rough & Tumble Podcast are already well aware of how intense things can get here sometimes, I feel that I should warn anyone listening who might not be as familiar with me. Just as a disclaimer: During this program, which I have built with my own blood, sweat, and tears for the better part of the last three months, I absolutely refuse to be silenced. I am so sick and tired of the United States government–and one political party in particular–shamelessly pulling the wool over our eyes. Therefore, I might get a bit emotional. I might shout and I might curse. But if there’s anything I won’t do, it’s stop speaking truth to power.

With that being said, let’s jump right into business. For what must’ve been the millionth time yesterday, my home state of Michigan’s oh-so-courageous, oh-so-righteous Senator Aline Winters unleashed what felt like an endless stream of complaints and lies on the topics of so-called “racism” and “justice” during an Instagram Live broadcast. This time it was to commemorate this whole “Juneteenth” whosawhatsit. Among her unfounded and honestly treasonous charges were many of her favorite buzzwords. “Systemic racism” and “mass incarceration” made predictable appearances, as did “misogynoir,” as if that’s even a real word. We know you don’t speak French, Aline.

But worst of all was all the whining she did about America’s “legacy of hatred” and the “lasting effects” of this that and the third. I really can’t even begin to tell you just how fed up I am with this broad. First of all, Aline, let’s face the facts: Your mother is Brazilian. You aren’t even Black, so stop acting like their struggles–however few they have–are your struggles. Do us all a favor and head back down to Rio de Janeiro with that communist bastard they call a president. Second of all, what “legacy”? What “lasting effects”? Last time that I checked, we have these things called laws now, Aline! Amendments! And you know what those laws and amendments say? You aren’t allowed to be racist anymore! 

Take the Second Amendment, my personal favorite. Long ago, we were given the right to bear arms, which is why we still have that right despite Winters and her cronies’ best efforts. Newsflash: The Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed all Americans equal protection under the law over one hundred and fifty years ago! Where are these “lasting effects” you speak of? As a matter of fact, I think the only “legacy of hatred” you should be worried about is the one you yourself are contributing to. It’s always the same old song and dance–you come to our country, abuse our charity, and all we real Americans get out of the deal are a bunch of morons who can’t speak English and some shabby immigrant-run restaurants that can’t pass an FDA inspection. And I’m the problem?

Featured image/photo by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash.

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