FCC Extends Regulation to Online Digital Streaming Sources

It was a bright, and sunny start for the Federal Communication Commission meeting on Thursday morning.

With a packed meeting room and many agenda items, the meeting was off to a great start!   During the \”Accelerating Wireline Broadband Development by Removing barriers to infrastructure investment,\” panel discussion, a new singing group in the district dedicated a tribute to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai.  Chairman Pai was captivated by the group and joined in.  Commission O\’Rielly thought the group had performed a one hit wonder, nonetheless the meeting resumed to the agenda item.

The FCC coined April as \”Infrastructure Month,\” so it was important for Commissioner Clyburn to inform the panel \”infrastructure changes the needs of legacy services to modern services,\” and welcomed comments to promote broadband deployment protecting fading technologies, and Chairman Pai encouraged creative and common sense comments for resolution.

After listening to telecommunication talk for two hours, taking time to write your question or comment is important.  At the last Commission meeting I presented the question \”does the FCC plan to extend its jurisdiction beyond programming shown on television to online digital streaming sources with a particular focus on closed captioning?\”  Chairman Pai didn\’t have an answer then.  However, during Thursday\’s Commission meeting, I presented, and wanted to recognize this administration for being instrumental with implementing and enforcing regulations for online digital streaming sources with a particular focus to closed captioning.  So when you upload programming on an online digital streaming source such as YouTube, you will learn of the caption certification.  This measure will ensure that no one is misleading an audience watching programming from their smart phones instead of television.