#FIGHTFINISHED: Mayor Bowser Celebrates World Champions Washington Nationals

Wednesday, October 30, 2019
(Washington, DC) – Tonight, Mayor Muriel Bowser issued the following statement after the Washington Nationals defeated the Houston Astros to capture their first-ever World Series championship.
“Our Washington Nationals are World Champions! This victory is the culmination of a journey that began 14 years ago when our community brought baseball back to DC. By staying in the fight and finishing the fight, the Nationals have brought a tremendous amount of joy to the District and, no doubt, inspired a new generation of baseball players and Nationals fans. We are DC Proud of our team and cannot wait to show them our love and support with another historic parade in the Sports Capital.”

Content retrieved from: https://mayor.dc.gov/release/fightfinished-mayor-bowser-celebrates-world-champions-washington-nationals.