Funding Opportunities


\"GirlsThe Government of the District of Columbia (the District) is committed to supporting students in preparing for a bright future. In service of that commitment, the District seeks to award and support the equitable distribution of grants to diverse organizations that provide children and youth with high-quality out-of-school time (OST) programming. To make that possible, the Office of Out of School Time Grants and Youth Outcomes (OST Office), located in the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME), works with an external grantmaking partner that will award and administer funds on behalf of the OST Office. The OST Office, with guidance from the Commission on Out of School Time Grants and Youth Outcomes (OST Commission), is responsible for deciding the purpose and priorities of each grant competition.
Fiscal Year 2020 and School Year 2019-20 Grant Competitions Summary
The OST Office, located in the DME and United Way of the National Capital Area (United Way NCA) are pleased to announce awardees for the upcoming school year. Altogether there were over 140 organizations that submitted applications or requests. The quality of the applications made for a highly competitive process. The number of excellent programs and organizations that applied was impressive and we appreciate and recognize the contributions of every organization for their continued work with children and youth across the District of Columbia.
In total, $8.7 million will be awarded to 88 nonprofit organizations that propose to provide services to over 16,000 District of Columbia children and youth during the upcoming grant period.
Of the total:

$4,527,663 will be awarded to 24 organizations receiving inaugural Year Round grants. These grantees received School Year 2018-19 and Summer 2019 grants, and applied for the FY20 Invitation Only Year Round grant. The grantees will provide SY19-20 afterschool and summer 2020 camps. These organizations propose to serve approximately 8,900 youth.

$3,526,454 in continuation grants will be awarded to 51 organizations. Of the 51 organizations, 15 are small non-profits. These organizations propose to serve approximately 6,000 District youth in SY19-20.

$470,819 will be awarded to 7 organizations receiving SY19-20 OST grants. These organizations propose to serve approximately 600 District youth in SY19-20.

$143,975 will be awarded to 6 organizations receiving SY19-20 Small Nonprofit OST grants and propose to serve approximately 500 District youth.

Seven (7) organizations are new grantees that have not been previously funded by the OST Office.

The funding will support programs at sites across wards, but particularly program sites located in Wards 7 and 8.

Three grant competitions were released on April 11, 2019 and applications were received by May 22, 2019.

Download the Grant Summary below for additional information.


\"PDF OST Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Grant Report
\"PDF Fiscal Year 2020 and School Year 2019-20 Grant Summary
\"PDF OST Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Grant Report
\"PDF OST SY18-19 Grant Summary
\"File\" Logic Model Template

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