Test Post – Black Lives Do Matter

As humans, we are life-long learners. I often share in my posts that I am amazed at how much I am enlightened to new things that I never really paid too much attention to. Today, is no different. While relaxing, I began to surf through to see what was on TV. I came across a 2017 documentary entitled Baltimore Rising about the protesting and rioting that ensued after the death of Freddy Gray while in police custody in Baltimore, Maryland. At the end of the program, there is a list off follow-up on those highlighted in the story. What caught my eye was the statement that said Baltimore, had the highest number of violent crimes in the U.S.!

Although I reside in New York, my interest was piqued because I have family members who live in Maryland and work in Baltimore. Oh, as an aside, I love me some Maryland crab cakes! I take some home every time that I visit. Because of this connection, I wanted to know more about how bad things really are there and what is being done to reverse the damage. So, here is what I learned.