It\’s a Wrap!

Well, Ward 5 and greater Washington friends and family, we are reaching the end of another year. Most people spend this time looking backward, reflecting on the events of the previous months. However, for The DC Voice that would fly in the face of our motto, Always Forward ®. Although we are stealing a term usually associated with the film industry, 2019 is a wrap! So, with that in mind here are the Top 5 achievements we are looking forward to in the new year!

\"\"Grow our monthly readership. We are projected to end the year with close to 600 readers per month! Thank you for your support as we move to surpass 1000 readers a month by the end of 2020!

\"\"Become a more media-diverse platform using audio, video and other expressions to get the “word” out. We welcome all forms of expression as diverse as Ward 5 itself.


Increase the number of student contributors in 2020. We added student writers from the University of the District of Columbia and Howard University to our team. We want more participation from the young voices in the community and give them a vehicle to express politics, entertainment, and opinions with their unique styles.

\"\"Provide all the citizens of the District a vehicle to provide their own narrative of the changing demographics, struggles, and accomplishments of the members of our community. It\’s so easy to wait for the big-name publishers in DC to show up and cover an event. Often, they are only there to grab a snippet of information and dart away.  It\’s more important that we, as a community show them that we will always find a way to get our message out.

\"\"Most importantly, continue writing compelling, thought-provoking and relevant articles reflective of our growingly diverse community where the only way to change the narrative, is to write the narrative.

Thank you for your support as we enter our 2020 campaign!

– The Editors and Contributors of The DC Voice