Mayor Bowser to Celebrate Connecting Families and Individuals to Permanent Housing as Part of Annual “A Home for the Holidays” Campaign

Tuesday, December 10, 2019
(Washington, DC) – On Wednesday, December 11, at 11 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser will highlight her Administration’s third annual “A Home for the Holidays” campaign to transition vulnerable families and individuals experiencing homelessness into permanent housing during the holiday season. At the event, Mayor Bowser and DC Department of Human Services (DHS) Director Laura Zeilinger will welcome a DC family to their new home.
As part of the campaign, District housing partners are asked to avail additional units to house residents experiencing homelessness, and the community is asked to partner with the District by donating new and gently used houseware. Since implementation of Mayor Bowser’s Homeward DC initiative to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring, the District has seen a nearly 22% decrease in homelessness, driven by a 45% reduction in homelessness among family households, and chronic homelessness is the lowest it has been in 15 years. The “A Home for the Holidays” campaign underscores that effort and the collective will of the entire community to end homelessness.
Wednesday, December 11, at 11 am
Mayor Bowser
Laura Zeilinger, Director, DHS
Jacinda Ashley Gonzalez, Resident, Home for the Holidays Family
2632 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, SE
*Closest Metro Station: Anacostia Station*
Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to [email protected]. To view the event online, visit or tune in on Channel 16 (DCN).

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