Mayor Bowser to Highlight School Redesign Efforts at Anacostia and Ballou High Schools

Thursday, December 12, 2019
(Washington, DC) – On Friday, December 13, at 11:30 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser will highlight her Administration’s efforts to transform the student experience at Anacostia High School and Ballou High School in Ward 8. Since April, Anacostia and Ballou have been engaged in the School Redesign Process, partnering with their communities to reimagine the student experience through programming, focus areas, and opportunities that the schools offer, particularly for students furthest from opportunity.
The School Redesign Process has been community-driven and research-based and included a $3 million investment from the DC Public Education Fund. Anacostia and Ballou will transform the student experience for hundreds of students and partner with businesses and government agencies, including the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), to set students up for post-secondary success.
Friday, December 13, at 11:30 am
Mayor Bowser
Dr. Lewis Ferebee, Chancellor, DCPS
Willie Jackson, Principal, Ballou High School
William Haith, Principal, Anacostia High School
Ballou High School
3401 4th Street, SE
*Closest Metro Station: Congress Heights Station*

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