Mayor Bowser to Hold Holiday Safety Presser Ahead of Ward 6 Community Walk

(Washington, DC) – On Wednesday, December 18, at 3:30 pm, Mayor Muriel Bowser will be joined by DC Police Chief Peter Newsham to provide holiday safety tips regarding package thefts, safe exchange zones, the Private Camera Incentive Program, and the expanded investment for the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) crime cameras program.
Following the availability, Mayor Bowser will lead a Ward 6 community walk, starting at the William H Rumsey Aquatic Center.
Wednesday, December 18, at 3:30 pm
Mayor Muriel Bowser
Peter Newsham, Chief, MPD
Kevin Donahue, Deputy Mayor, Public Safety and Justice
Administration Officials
William H Rumsey Aquatic Center
635 North Carolina Avenue, SE
*Closest Metro Station: Eastern Market Station*
Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to [email protected]. To view the event online, visit or tune in on Channel 16 (DCN).