Mayor Bowser to Honor Students at DC DOC College and Career Readiness Closing Ceremony

Thursday, December 19, 2019
(Washington, DC) – On Friday, December 20, at 10 am, Mayor Muriel Bowser will join the DC Department of Corrections (DOC) for its College and Career Readiness (CCR) Closing Ceremony. The CCR Closing Ceremony is an opportunity to highlight individuals enrolled in DOC’s educational offerings for their academic achievements.
The Division of College and Career Readiness provides academic, Career and Technical Education (CTE), postsecondary, cognitive intervention, and work readiness opportunities to DC DOC residents. The division has served over 1,200 individuals through its adult basic education, adult secondary education, and post-secondary education programs.
Friday, December 20, at 10 am
Mayor Bowser
Quincy Booth, Director, DOC
Dr. Roger Mitchell, Chief Medical Examiner, Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Correctional Treatment Facility, Gymnasium
1901 E Street, SE
*Closest Metro Station: Stadium-Armory Station*
Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to [email protected]. To view the event online, visit or tune in on Channel 16 (DCN).

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