Mayor Bowser Weekly Press Guidance for Monday, December 16, 2019 – Sunday, December 22, 2019

Monday, December 16, 2019
On Monday, Mayor Bowser will announce grants to community-based organizations that will work with her Child and Family Services Agency to open 10 Family Success Centers in Wards 7 and 8 as part of her Families First DC initiative, a $4 million investment to provide families with primary prevention services and neighborhood-driven resources to increase protective factors, mitigate trauma, and help families thrive East of the River.
On Tuesday, Mayor Bowser will break ground on the new Shepherd Park Community Center in Ward 4.
On Wednesday, Mayor Bowser will lead a public safety walk in Ward 6, highlighting the District’s Private Security Camera Voucher Program and encouraging families to pick up a camera as a last-minute holiday gift.
On Thursday, Mayor Bowser will hold a press conference to announce the release of the Report and Recommendations of the Mayor’s Commission on Healthcare Systems Transformation.
On Friday, Mayor Bowser will attend the closing ceremony of the DC Department of Corrections (DOC) Division of College and Career Readiness, which provides academic, Career and Technical Education, postsecondary, cognitive intervention, and work readiness opportunities to DOC residents.
On Saturday, Mayor Bowser will cut the ribbon on the new Edgewood Recreation Center in Ward 5.

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