Mayor Bowser Weekly Press Guidance for Monday, November 11, 2019 to Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019
As we commemorate Veterans Day, Mayor Bowser is urging residents to join the fight for #DCStatehood, which is the only way to give 32,000 DC veterans their full rights as American citizens. Visit to learn more.
The week ahead will include:
Mayor Bowser is leading a diplomatic and trade mission to Ethiopia to strengthen the country’s ties with the DC region. On the trip, the Mayor will meet with Ethiopian leaders, renew the District’s sister city agreement with Addis Ababa, form educational and government partnerships, and promote DC as a destination for Ethiopian business and leisure visitors. The Mayor returns to the District on Wednesday.
On Thursday, Mayor Bowser will make an economic development announcement at the Washington, DC Economic Partnership’s annual meeting. Later, the Mayor will hold an event with students to celebrate the 59th anniversary of Ruby Bridges integrating Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans, Louisiana.
On Saturday, Mayor Bowser will join residents at the Janney 5K and Fun Run.
On Sunday, Mayor Bowser will celebrate local artists and present the legacy award at the 2019 Go-Go Awards, hosted at Ballou Senior High School.

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