New Decade, New Habits

We are literally days away from ringing in the new year. More excitingly, it is also starting a new decade. While a new year always brings the possibility of new beginnings, it can also bring you face to face with ghosts of resolutions\’ past. We all create resolutions but how many of us succeed? Unfortunately, resolutions are associated with failure, but I want to flip the script this time. Sharing what I believe to be the foolproof tips to achieve your goals in 2020. The keys to a successful resolution are planning, setting a tangible goal, and follow through. You can’t have one without the others. 

The absolute most important part of creating a new year’s resolution is for the goal to be tangible. For example, you can say you want to be a millionaire in 2020, and maybe you’ll get lucky and pick a winning lottery ticket. However, for the other 99.99 percent of the population, the goal should be a little bit more tangible. Maybe you cannot make a million dollars in a year, but you can open a savings account and establish more financial stability. Creating a goal you can attain is vital to not only self esteem, but it also improves problem solving skills.  

We have all heard the saying, perfect planning prevents poor performance. Why should your resolution be any different? Want to shed some pounds in 2020? Great, but what exactly are you going to do to make it happen? A gym membership is only the tipping point. How will you change your eating habits? How often will you go to the gym? What will your workouts consist of? All of those little things should be included in the plan. Failing to plan is planning to fail and we do not need the decade starting out with that negative energy. My 2019 resolution failed and I completely believe that it is because I had zero plans to execute. I will not be repeating that mistake next year.

Finally, the hardest part of a successful resolution is the follow through. Changing your life is HARD. There is a ton of motivation and excitement in January, but what about March, May and October? Consistency is key but you have to work to see the results. This is where planning comes in. Finding new ways to keep the same old resolution relevant will help in the long run. Creating a mood board or finding an accountability partner that shares your goal makes it easier. Even with that help, you absolutely have to be committed to your results. Finding your inner willpower can feel impossible at times but once you do, you’ll become unstoppable. 

Now that the business is taken care of, let’s get to the fun stuff. New Year’s Eve is pretty much a holiday. Spend it with people you love and make memories that last a lifetime. Whether you are spending time at home or going out, have fun. Happy New Year!
