This is the question President Obama asked during his July 7th press conference in Warsaw, Poland. His comment was in reference to the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. The President went on to say \”We’ve seen such tragedies far too many times.\” But what does all of this mean to a family that doesn\’t understand living in mortal fear of police? How do you get someone to understand a feeling that you live with from the day you come of age?
Anyone who attended the December 13, 2014 \”Justice For All\” rally can relay the stories they\’ve heard of sons, brothers, uncles, and nephews lost to police shootings. Ward 5 isn\’t immune. Most of us know someone close to us who has become a victim of a police shooting. On December 3, 2013 my nephew was felled by a policeman\’s bullet. To this day there has been no clear answer on what happened that night. Unfortunately, there is no cell phone video, body camera evidence, or visual evidence to go on.
Someone in My Family
I don\’t know what happened to my nephew that December night. But, I do know the answer to President Obama\’s question. If it happened to someone in your family you would want to know the details surrounding the incident. You would want to know if deadly force was the only option available. You also want to know that your child wasn\’t targeted or the victim of an overzealous police officer. And finally, you want to know when this madness will end! That\’s the question we all want answered – and soon.
If you want to put a face to a family member email a photo and the date of the incident to The DC Voice and we\’ll post it alongside my nephew.