Professional Development Opportunities



The Institute for Youth Development provides quality training for all adults who work with children and youth in Out of School Time (OST) programs. These adults are also called youth development practitioners. Youth development practitioners deepen their understanding of positive youth development, engage in best practices and improve services to youth.

Trainings are available for every level from front-line staff to program managers to executive directors. Download the training descriptions here.

Request a training here!

Contact: We encourage all to Learn24! Email us for more information.

October 11, 2019 – Fall Learn24 Conference
Join Learn24 for a day of learning and reflecting featuring keynote speaker Michael Lamb, Executive Director of Turnaround for Children DC. This conference will provide practical information and resources that youth development professionals can use to enhance the daily interactions between youth and adults.

Conference Objectives:
1) Learn – An opportunity to learn about best practices that can be integrated into OST programming
2) Network – Network with others in the field and strengthen relationships across programs
3) Equip – Provide valuable tools, resources and experiences that equip OST providers with essential information that will help improve daily interactions with youth in an OST setting.
Sessions Included:
Preventing Burnout with Mental Resilience Superpowers – Susan Comfort, Nonprofit Wellness
Developing Student Voice Through Debate – David Trigaux, Washington Urban Debate League
Leveraging Engagement through Inquiry-Based Instruction – Jessica Kesler, TGR Foundation: A Tiger Woods Charity
Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations – Chrisitan Benjamin, StoryMKTG
Empowering Youth within Behavioral Health Services and Beyond – Leslie-Ann Byam, Department of Behavioral Health
The Power You Carry:  How to Become A Brain Builder – Michael Lamb, Turnaround for Children

June 7, 2019 – Summer 2019 Learn24 Network Conference
This one-day conference provided youth development workers with essential tools and skills to deliver quality out-of-school-time (OST) experiences for youth across the District of Columbia. Attendees were able to connect with other youth-based-providers and hear valuable information on best practices, evidence-based research, innovative ideas and more.

Keynote speaker Marcia Tate serves as an educational consultant and has taught more than 450,000 administrators, teachers, and parents, as well as community and business leaders, across the globe. Conference attendees will learn best practices, innovative strategies, lessons learned and more to help improve outcomes beyond the school day for District of Columbia youth.


\"PDF Institute for Youth Development Training Descriptions

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