Resources for DREAMers

OAG\’s Virtual Chat about the Supreme Court\’s DACA decision.

Last month, the Supreme Court upheld Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a federal program that has allowed hundreds of thousands of DREAMers to live and work in the U.S. without fear of deportation. The ruling is a testament to the work of advocates and DREAMers who came out and told their stories despite the very real risks they faced. These brave young people created momentum that led directly to this important decision.

Following the ruling, AG Racine hosted a virtual chat with local DACA recipients and the National Immigration Law Center about the impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling. The panelists shared powerful and personal stories about what it’s like to be a DREAMer while the Trump administration fights to roll back their protections. You can watch this important and timely discussion about ways we can all stand up to protect young, hard-working immigrants in the District.

Though DACA recipients are protected for the time being, the decision is limited. Chief Justice Roberts wrote in the majority opinion that the president did, in fact, have the power to rescind DACA—but he needs a valid reason for doing so, and must follow the proper rulemaking process. In the meantime, DACA is also still vulnerable to a pending lawsuit in Texas where several red states have alleged that DACA itself is unlawful.

AG Racine will continue to stand with DREAMers and fight to keep them safe in the United States, the only place they’ve ever known as home.

Check out a list of resources below to empower DREAMers and help them understand their rights: