Sheika Reid: Community Support Leader

Developing Deeper Connections Between the Community and DC Government

Sheika Reid, local Ward 1 native, grew up in Columbia Heights and was born to parents looking to uplift not only their family, but also their community. This fueled Reid’s determination to service the underserved and to do everything she could to shine a light on the critical issues affecting her beloved District. She now works for Mayor Muriel Bowser on her Outreach and Special Initiatives team. The DC Voice caught up with Reid to find out more about her background, the work she does for her community, and her plans for the future.   

Raised by Brokers, Molded to Support Community 

As a young Washingtonian, you can’t help but to hear about the plethora of political issues the District continually wrestles with. On the other hand, you also can’t help but hear about the issues that continually go unaddressed. Reid, growing up in the middle of it all, couldn’t help but to be affected.

Over time, Reid began to gain a deeper perspective regarding the main issues plaguing her community. A few issues being: how to respond to rising crime, lack of housing resources for the impoverished, and the lack of connectivity between government officials and the local community. 

Reid realized that these were addressable issues, and not only that, there were officials more than willing to address them. Starting in 2008, she began an internship working for Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, learning all that she could to season herself for what was to come.

Avanti Real Estate & The Reid Legacy

All throughout her political education journey, Reid had the support of her parents. Her mother Sheila Reid and father Nik Reid not only supported her growth, but they also showed her the steps they took in assisting their community.

Avanti Real Estate was founded in 1991 and is owned by broker Sheila Reid. This local business takes pride in its dedication to guiding the surrounding community in purchasing homes. Avanti Real Estate is committed to assisting new homeowners on the road to accumulating equity and generational wealth.   

Sheila Reid marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1963 and became inspired by the work and legacy. After finding her calling to serving her community and committing herself in various capacities, Sheila Reid continues to involve her business in supporting affordable housing and urban development. 

Pushing Herself and Community Forward 

Armed with her family’s teachings and eager to further her community experience, Sheika Reid began working various internships and fellowships. This began her carving out a strong background in collaborative community initiatives and partnerships. An Urban Planning Development Fellowship, consultant and marketing opportunities, and  her experience running as a Ward 1 council candidate landed Reid her current role working with the Mayor Bowser. 

Reid currently occupies the role as an Outreach and Special Initiatives team member for Mayor Bowser. This role consists of facilitating collaborations with organizations interested in partnerships with the DC government. Reid also helps to strategize, create and employ events, partnerships and opportunities that improve the DC government’s impact on social issues. Events like Beat the Streets, 9/11 Day of Service, and the upcoming 38th Annual Mayor Awards and DC’s Art All Night and Dine All Night are a few examples of what she has a hand in supporting. 

Overall, Reid’s experience, passion, upward movement and community support are great examples of what a successful community leader looks like. As the powers that be seek more understanding on how to resolve critical issues and connect with the local community, Sheika Reid bridges the gap to those solutions. With all the issues that lie at the feet of government officials, strong team members like Sheika Reid make resolving these issues possible. 

Moving forward, Reid shares that she plans to continue working towards furthering her education, becoming a broadcast journalist, and bolstering her impact on the community. 

Article featured image courtesy of Sheika Reid.