TECH 2020 Helps Bridge the Divide Bringing Diversity to the Industry

   What\’s the one word which is always talked about in some aspect every day, and people can\’t get enough?  It also requires multiple updates, and apps to function?  Technology.  That\’s right!  Not too bad, except when the device battery your operating loses charge.  Technology is changing the world around us and our dependency has shaped our reality; shifting its dynamic use.  What is technology?  A science used to solve practical problems, according to Webster\’s New Pocket Dictionary.  Currently, technology is facing a challenge in solving practical problems with providing opportunity and employment for more minorities.

   In May 2015, Congressman G.K. Butterfield along with Congresswoman Barbara Lee wanted to bridge the divide and lack of diversity in Silicon Valley, so they sparked the conversation.  The conversations were centered around the focus of increasing transparency, adding African Americans to  the Board of Trustees, along with more employment opportunity in government affairs offices.  From those conversations came TECH 2020, a one-on-one experience engaging technology enthusiasts with industry professionals that are bridging the diversity divide in the tech industry.

   Hopefully, TECH 2020 is the code that creates opportunity, unity, and bridges the divide in the tech industry.