It\’s been a long time coming for residents in Edgewood neighborhood. The Edgewood Park Recreation Center, a decent recreation center, with more than two computers, is accompanied by adequate space for community events.
We\’re talking Edgewood Park Recreation Center
Pleasantly surprised by its location, Edgewood Park Recreation Center, is located in the cut. Third and Evarts street where much of the field occupies the space. After asking my Uber driver to circle the block again, I am stunned by the size of the recreation center. Walking up to the recreation center with limited lighting, Mrs. Jones was there to greet me and invite me in. Once inside of the center, she informed everyone of what is going on. Mrs. Jones is the Commissioner for 5E10. \”Mrs. Jones is a hard-working woman. [On] movie night she makes sure the kids have popcorn and such,\” says Ward 5 resident Beatrice Brown.
Residents, particularly the youth, are invited to attend an Open House selection process for the fixtures and amenities of the new center. This $4 million dollar community investment was conceptualized in 2014. Before its conception, the community rallied behind having an indoor gymnasium. Community organizers, Commissioner Jones, and DC Department Parks & Recreations came back in 2015 with a possible blueprint, and continued meeting with the community. Two years later, the Edgewood youth have the opportunity to share their input at the Open House.
Switching the Style Up
The purpose of the Edgewood Youth Open House is to engage and obtain feedback, particularly from the youth in the community, regarding the playground, splash park and other design elements of the new center. Many youths from the community are out along with residents to make their picks for the best fixtures. They range from a waterfall to a community garden. It includes an indoor gymnasium with a plan to be eighteen thousand square feet. The only drawback – no parking. \”As long as the kids and neighborhood benefit I\’m good. Since I\’m not a kid, I just want them to benefit, I played up here for years,\” says Burton, a resident of Ward 5.
\”This is for everybody, and everybody should be able to enjoy this. \”There\’s lots of history in the area\”, says Reggie who resides in Ward 5. The Ward 5 Edgewood community is very family focused and a friendly environment. This is on display at the Edgewood Youth Open House with many hugs, and much love for their community. The children are running to the table to grab stickers for their friends. They are excited to share what they have been tasked to do. \”I think it\’s going to be good, more opportunity for youth to be engaged in productive activities,\” says another Edgewood resident.
Filed in Turkey Thicket
Some in attendance just want to be able to walk around the field like turkey thicket. Others want to know how parking will play out in the building plans. If a program is going on, people will need a place to park. However, parking is a concern for the residents. The people won\’t stay if there is no place to park. Furthermore, Commissioner Jones wants to make a room for the toddlers. The Commissioner also wants an educational room so parents aren\’t stuck in the house with the children. \”We need something bigger for the community to come to,\” say Commissioner Jones. Department Parks and Recreation plans to have another meeting for any last minute concerns. The groundbreaking is scheduled to take place late summer of 2017. Most noteworthy of all, by Fall 2018, the doors to the new Edgewood Park and Recreation Center will open.