Turning Point USA Black Leadership Summit Revives the American Dream

\"\"The American Dream!  What does that look like? Perhaps it\’s a non-binding powerful declaration with inspirational words to read when you\’re having a bad day.  Moreover, many are aiming for it. But what happens when the vision of achieving the dream is more vivid for a few or sort of like deja vu for many? 

Has the dream become a fairy tale of fear, lost in translation with many people waking up from a coma of false progress and keeping hope alive?  Or, is America currently going through a modern-day rebellion of ideology?  What happened to \”We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.\” 

What about economic stability, identity, and security of our nation? Have these foundations slipped away from the American Dream floating in cloud space not tangible for citizens to reach on land?  Turning Point USA has a plan, whether a person\’s dream is cloudy, clear, distorted, or a fairy tale.  They are committed to helping students reach their full potential so that their visions become a reality through leadership opportunities.

\”Late to bed, early to rise, work like hell and organize,\” is their motto. Educating students about the importance of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government is their mission.  Turning Point USA believes that every young person can be enlightened to true free market values.  Recently, Turning Point USA held the Young Black Leadership Summit (YBLS) in Washington, D.C.  A weekend filled with special events for student leaders who are making a difference in their communities. 

The YBLS attendees had the opportunity to meet the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.  Surprisingly, there are plenty of student leaders that share a similar sentiment and believe in the plan the President has put forth to \”Make America Great Again.\”  \”Each of you represents the future of our nation,\” President Trump told the energetic and passionate student leaders.

The young Black leaders expressed their love of the land by chanting \”USA\” during the President\’s remarks.  \”You\’re demanding a better kind of politics in America,\” President Trump said.  Before ending his speech he informed the young Black leaders that it\’s okay for them to embrace free thought, and free speech, along with emphasizing using terms like beautiful and handsome are okay.