Ward 5 ANC5C


The Advisory Neighborhood Commission serves all the Ward communities of Washington, DC. Ward 5, which is the largest Ward in Washington, DC has 5 different commissions. Each commission represent a boundary of 2000 residents and the decisions of that commission is based on a majority rule.

ANC5C serves the communities of Arboretum, Brentwood, Fort Lincoln, Gateway, Langdon, South Woodridge, and Woodridge. The commission votes on all resolutions that pertain to those particular neighborhoods. The offices held consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Corresponding and Recording Secretary, Parliamentarian and 2 other commissioners.

On Wednesday, January 20, at 7:00pm, ANC5C held its monthly meeting at Fifth District Police Station in the Community Room. They held the Election Slate for 2016 Officers commissioned by Gottleb Simon. A resolution to support the continuation of Metro Bus services for the length of Rhode Island Avenue NE was also held. The community announcements and concerns were last on the agenda. Meetings are held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the same location at 7:00pm.

ANC5C Officers:

5C01 Gail Brevard [email protected]
5C02 Walter Deleon [email protected]
5C03 Robert Looper, III [email protected]
5C04 Jacqueline Manning (Chairperson) [email protected]
5C05 Regina James [email protected]
5C06 Monique C. Smith [email protected]
5C07 Nolan Treadway [email protected]
