Zoomin\’ Through the ANCs

Last week I took advantage of one of the by-products of COVID 19; virtual Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) meetings. I Zoomed or WebEx\’d through multiple ANC meetings. It was like standing at a buffet enjoying a Ward-by-Ward sampler platter. I saw how different ANCs conduct their meetings, their decorum, attendance, and, more importantly – the issues impacting the city from multiple perspectives. Although there are a number of things that separate the city, there is also a lot of commonalities.

Public Safety

Public safety covered three areas across all Wards; reaction to the events of January 6th, the lockdown due to the upcoming inauguration, and local crime. There were several admonitions to be cautious about one\’s surroundings after the events at the US Capitol on January 6th. A couple of Wards are either a part of or neighboring Capitol Hill. Needless to say, such proximity to the violence that took place was unsettling for a number of residents. Residents were shaken by the violence.

The violence of January 6th led to the subsequent lockdown. As a result of the siege, the Capitol and surrounding residential neighborhoods are moving into lockdown. The increasing police presence and deployment of thousands of National Guards will have an impact on DC residents. The ANCs are working to get as much information to residents directly and indirectly impacted by the lockdown. Although proximity to Capitol Hill is more impact than other areas, the entire city is affected. ANCs advised their constituents to exercise more vigilance as they move around the city.

Neighborhood crime statistics are the staple of all ANC meetings. Local MPD Commanders address the attendees to report on crime trends in the neighborhoods. These updates include break-ins, robberies, assaults, etc. The most stunning observation during the police reports was the prevalence of violent crime throughout all DC neighborhoods. The perception that some Wards are more crime-free was shattered when one of the more affluent Wards spent over 20 minutes discussing 2 recent brutal murders. There was even the report of a carjacking involving a semi-automatic assault weapon.

BZAs and PUDs

Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) and Planned Unit Development (PUD) can be the most contentious part of an ANC meeting. BZA requests are when a contractor or resident requests relief from a zoning code. It typically involves adding additional height (a penthouse, rooftop lofts, etc) or width (widening parking spaces, extending rear accesses, etc.) that violates the existing zoning regulations for a neighborhood. A PUD is the development of residential, institutional, and commercial developments, industrial parks, urban renewal projects, or a combination of these.

BZAs and PUDs create the most tension because they often highlight changing demographics, increasing affluence, and gentrification. Coupled with the feeling of displacement by long-time residents and you have a volatile mix. Last week was no exception. Some presentations were well received. Obviously, this was the result of extensive community outreach and communication. In these cases residents and commissioners were welcoming and supportive. Then there\’s the arrogant newbie that can\’t quite figure out why the community won\’t just let them do what they want. It\’s then that the value of the ANC commissioners shines. Providing a voice for the community and trying to improve communication between both parties.

It\’s obvious that the pandemic has not slowed down the development in the District. Each meeting had its share of BZAs and PUDs.

Reaching our Seniors

Although I enjoyed the ability to dip in and out of multiple ANC meetings, there was one casualty of these virtual meetings – seniors. Seniors rely on these meetings to voice their concerns. They are less likely to be proficient with technology or have access to it. One ANC meeting included looking at ways to incorporate their seniors. As a result, there was a call to action to find ways to reach out to seniors. One suggestion was to create newsletters to get the message out to these constituents. We\’ll keep an eye on how they meet this challenge.

Support Your ANC

ANCs are critical to our communities. When managed correctly they are the best defense between neighborhoods being overrun by carpetbagging attempts to profiteering at lifelong resident\’s expense. They also protect our most vulnerable and underserved.  The only way they can be run correctly is by our participation. Showing up during the pandemic poses problems for underserved neighborhoods and seniors. However, there\’s no excuse for those of us where Zoom and Webex have become a part of our daily work routine.

So, check the ANC Meetings Calendar for your next ANC meeting and let your voice be heard. Not sure what ANC you belong to? Go to Locate Your ANC and plug in your address. Need more information on ANCs? Try the About the ANC page on the ANC.dc.gov website.