Time for Racial Exit Poll Data to Exit: Eliminating the Racial Divide in America

No mention of a hanging chad, or a candidate being left off of the ballot.  It was simply the Alabama Senate race which has ended in a not so fair win for one candidate.  Rather, a tenacious task with Democratic runner Doug Jones and Republican runner Roy Moore up for the challenge, but the constituents …

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CAVA after Christmas

This is truly the most wonderful time of the year!  After spending much of your cash, and running up credit card bills for Christmas gifts, affording to dine out can look rather dim.  Don\’t be down for too long though.  CAVA wants to bring much joy and delight to your palate this holiday season with \”food that …

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The FCC Ends the Year with a Rollback Bonus: Ask your ISP for Details this Christmas

Ho! Ho! Ho! and away net neutrality goes after years of bundle deals, along with an open and free internet for consumers.  What a way to make the Christmas season brighter?  Sure Santa will consider the FCC and FTC on his nice behavior list while broadband companies and advertisers remain on his naughty list.  Not sure …

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What\’s New, Affordable, and a Healthy Living? The Wren

Today was the groundbreaking ceremony for The Wren, a new in the Shaw neighborhood expected for occupancy by July 2020 with development efforts by MRP Reality , Ellis Development, and JBG Smith. The Wren is most certainly what Washingtonian\’s need right now!  Something new and affordable to come home to after a longs day of work.  \”I\’m …

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The MJ Experience: Enjoy Life and Learn, Tour Gallaudet University Museum

There\’s a possibility if you live in Washington, DC, or visited, you\’ve traveled down a street called Florida Avenue.  In the Northeast quadrant of the city, located in Ward 5 lies 99 acres of rich history and culture, Gallaudet University – where you can also visit the Gallaudet Museum. Today\’s experience we explore the rich history and …

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Did Artificial Intelligence Ruin the 2016 Presidential Race?

Roughly twelve months ago- the people were faced with making a genuine decision; selection of who will be the 2016 President of the United States of America.  Since that day American\’s cast their vote, many have been perplexed as to how this paramount Presidential shift occurred?  Despite the debacle debates, much racial tension, taunting, slurs, and even physical …

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