The Changing Demographics of Ward 5 – The Clock is Ticking!

   Ask any Ward 5 resident what’s important to them and you get a litany of answers ranging from crime, education, affordable housing, senior citizen care, and any number of shortcomings in the Ward. There’s no shortage of bitching and moaning about gentrification, the Ward 5 City Councilman or ANC Commissions. However, it takes more …

The Changing Demographics of Ward 5 – The Clock is Ticking! Read More »

Happy 4th of July!

In Congress, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which …

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McDuffie Introduces Legislation in Response to Recent Gun Violence

Reprint of June 5, 2018 Press Release  Washington, DC – Yesterday, Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie, Chair of the Committee on Business and Economic Development, introduced three pieces of legislation in response to recent incidents of gun violence in the District of Columbia: The Center for Firearm Violence Prevention Research Establishment Act of 2018 The Neighborhood …

McDuffie Introduces Legislation in Response to Recent Gun Violence Read More »

How Affordable is Affordable Housing? Ask Extremely Low Income Renters

   Amidst a shortage of affordable housing nationwide, block by block of the District is being devoured by high-rise condos, pop-up town homes or lavish multi-story single-family homes as the number of make-shift tents under overpasses and bridges increases. Affordable housing is becoming an oxymoron as families have to decide between paying rent, buying groceries, …

How Affordable is Affordable Housing? Ask Extremely Low Income Renters Read More »

The DC Voice Talks with Ward 5 Candidate Kathy Henderson at the Wilson Building

Moving from New York City to the Metropolitan City was a much different scene in the 80\’s.  Certainly, the only skyscrapers buildings you\’ll see in the District is the Monument.  Upon her arrival, Kathy Henderson not only found the scenery different, but how community concerns were addressed seemed much different as well.  At the time, …

The DC Voice Talks with Ward 5 Candidate Kathy Henderson at the Wilson Building Read More »