February 2023

Man on private jet reading newspaper.

The Idea of Being Rich Versus Being Wealthy

When most people use the terms “rich” and “wealthy,” they do so interchangeably. If someone is a millionaire, they’re wealthy. By most people’s logic, that also makes them “rich” by default. However, when you consider how unique we are both as individuals and as a group, that isn’t always the case. Indeed, “rich” and “wealthy”

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Cityscape with several brick apartment buildings.

Where Does Poverty Come From? Breaking Things Down

Despite the fact that poverty rates have been showing clear signs of decline over the last decade, certain inequalities still persist. According to one recent study, for example, the poverty rate in the entire United States was 10.5%. To put that into perspective, that was the lowest rate since estimates were first made public in 1959.

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