Not sure if the meeting date serves as much significance as its meeting agenda! However, the date helps for attendance, and serves a community purpose. Hump day- also known as Wednesday, isn\’t a bad day to schedule Advisory Neighborhood Commission meetings. In fact, the timing of 6:45 p.m. is perfect–considering work, and picking up the children from school.
Last night\’s 5A ANC meeting was held at UDC Bernie Backus Campus. Located on South Dakota, Ave. Upon arrival, I was presently surprised; the meeting began on time. All Commissioners were in attendance. There were six items on the meeting agenda list for discussion. With motions to be moved by the Commissioner\’s, old business, and new business, presentations by the Metropolitan Police, McDonald\’s, and the Office of Councilmember McDuffie, the 5A ANC meeting could last all night.
Quite a few resident\’s attended last night\’s meeting. With about eighteen in attendance, not including the Chair of the Commission and the Commissioners-it wasn\’t a bad turnout. Although there is 5A -5E Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, all of the Commission meetings equal the same objectives- serving the constituents in the community.Lieutenant Ashley Rosenthal of the Metropoliatan Police Department presented PSA 405 Crime Statics to those in attendance. From her report, resident\’s learned that in the past 14 days there were two car robberies along with two homicides. Lieutenant Rosenthal shared some safety tips on staying safe as the Holiday season is approaching. \”Don\’t walk around with your phone texting, or talking\” she stated to the residents. \”We need everyone to work together to safeguard your property,\” was what Lieutenant told the residents along with a few tips :
- Do not leave purses, laptops, or wallets visible in your car if you exit your car.
- If you have a handicap tag, take it out of the car and bring it inside your residence.
- Look at a person\’s shoes if you happen to be a victim of a crime.

\”We only have one number, 911, is how you reach us,\” stated Lietenant Rosenthal.
In an effort to tackle the current increase in crime, Councilmember McDuffie will be hosting \”Reclaiming Our Community\” on this upcoming Friday, September 29th, starting at 8:00 p.m. He could choose to go to a fancy restaurant and celebrate his birthday, but he rather celebrate with reclaiming his Ward, and ensuring the safety of the residents. Councilmember McDuffie has plans to kick off his community birthday celebration with a \”Safety Walk\” starting at 6th and Edgewood, continuing to 13th and Downing Street where he plans to sleep for the night along with others in attendance.

Moving right along with the meeting, former Councilmember Harry Thomas, Jr. was there to share some exciting news about McDonald\’s. For starters, this is the oldest McDonald\’s in the district which happens to be in Ward 5 located on South Dakota Avenue. It opened its doors October 10, 1961. It is most definitely overdue for at least a drive thru and accessible for the handicapped, and some ambiance while enjoying a happy meal. Not sure if they plan to have a dessert section like the McDonald\’s in Jakarta, Indonesia, but it will serve as a community stable, spotlighting the unique community heritage, along with a priority to provide jobs.
Most recently, McDonald\’s awarded a resident with a scholarship for school, which is rather stellar – for a ground breaking start.