Around The City

April is National Financial Literacy Month

In celebration of April as National Financial Literacy Month, District residents are encouraged to Get Financially Fit by taking advantage of free educational programs, resources and services to improve financial wellness and make more fiscally sound decisions to prevent fraud. Subscribe here to get updates from DISB. Also, you can follow the Department on Twitter: […]

What Does Freedom Mean During the 157th Emancipation Day Celebration?

What\’s one word we seldom think of, often take for granted, and servicemen and women must protect at all cost to be offered to every citizen of this great nation America? Freedom, is the word.  According to Webster\’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, Freedom means the quality or state of being free as action, or a political …

What Does Freedom Mean During the 157th Emancipation Day Celebration? Read More »

IBM is Helping Move Government and Industry Towards a Digital Transformation

Whether you\’re looking to take your business up a notch with cloud space coverage, Cybersecurity solutions or ensure the product sourcing through blockchain technology, IBM continues to provide the innovative solutions both government and industries need to thrive and carry out their mission, shaping the future of government and industry. IBM held its second annual …

IBM is Helping Move Government and Industry Towards a Digital Transformation Read More »

Ward 8 Now Has a Sit Down Restaurant: Busboys and Poets Welcomes the Community

It was a too good to be true two days ago on Tuesday, March 12, for the Ribbon Cutting Grand Opening of Busboys and Poets in Ward 8 at 2004 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue in Southeast Washington, DC. \”It\’s been a long time coming,\” says Andy Shallal, owner of Busboys and Poets at the …

Ward 8 Now Has a Sit Down Restaurant: Busboys and Poets Welcomes the Community Read More »

Rooting DC Is Building Healthy Communities

Do you recall the first time eating your fruits and vegetables?  Or even better, do you remember the first seed that sprouted in a styrofoam cup in your science class? Sure you remember the first time you tasted some fresh collard greens, kale, spinach or squash.  What about the time you received your first rose?  …

Rooting DC Is Building Healthy Communities Read More »

Black Lives Matter during Black History Month with a Week of Action at Eastern Senior High School

Black History Month was conceptualized by American Historian Carter G. Woodson to preserve the culture and heritage of blacks in America.  A tradition most celebrated in the United States during the calendar month of February.  During the celebration of Black History Month, many people have an opportunity to learn of the marvelous contributions to America, …

Black Lives Matter during Black History Month with a Week of Action at Eastern Senior High School Read More »

Moms Who Hustle Make Dreams Come True for District Residents

Moms in the District will have an opportunity to make their dreams come true gaining financial and entrepreneurship skills through the recently launched Walker\’s Legacy Foundation\’s Moms Who Hustle 6-week program.  Walker\’s Legacy Foundation provides programming focused on improving financial literacy and financial empowerment skills for low-income, high potential multicultural women and girls. Walker\’s Legacy …

Moms Who Hustle Make Dreams Come True for District Residents Read More »

Mayor Bowser Promises a Fair Shot February

Mayor Muriel Bowser held her Two term outlook at Gallaudet University lead by various panel discussions to highlight the progress made in the District.  This is certainty a new approach and strategy to present investing in DC values, providing affordable housing, a more inclusive city, and most importantly a way to show accountability throughout the …

Mayor Bowser Promises a Fair Shot February Read More »

A Critical Conversation Continues Beyond the Symposium: Education in the District of Columbia

R.I.S.E. Demonstration Center was the place to be for the \”Race & Policy: Advancing Racial Equity and Economic Inclusion in the District of Columbia\” symposium co-hosted by Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie along with the D.C. Policy Center and Consumer Health Foundation. The well-attended event was standing room only, awaiting the panel discussions on various topics to take place: …

A Critical Conversation Continues Beyond the Symposium: Education in the District of Columbia Read More »