Science and Technology

Unlocking the Potential of Digital Classroom Assistants

In the relentless pursuit of educational excellence, teachers face an array of formidable challenges as they endeavor to impart exceptional instruction and cultivate young minds. From the ceaseless burden of administrative tasks to the overwhelming weight of workloads, these tenacious educators find themselves pushed to their limits. Yet, a beacon of hope emerges in the …

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Breaking Barriers: Remarkable Women of Color Who Made History

Women have achieved ground-breaking things throughout history in various disciplines, frequently in predominately male sectors. Women of color must overcome extra barriers and hurdles to conquer these challenges. This article will showcase some amazing women of color who have made history by being stand-outs in male-dominated sectors. Katherine Johnson Katherine Johnson was born in White …

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A group of women are shown in front of a colorful background.

Commemorating Black Leaders in Entrepreneurial Development

As the rate of Black women pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors continues to rise, showing appreciation, respect, and love for the women who came before is just as vital. Out of respect for February’s Black History Month, a time dedicated to commemorating the efforts of our ancestors and the descendants to come, below are a few underrepresented …

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Where Do Malware Creators Come From? The Nexus Between Crime Rings, Rogue Governments and More

Over the last ten years in particular, there has been a staggering increase in malware infections to the tune of 87%. On average, malware attacks cost businesses in the United States approximately $2 million per incident, once things like reputational damage and recovery costs are accounted for. At the same time, all of this does …

Where Do Malware Creators Come From? The Nexus Between Crime Rings, Rogue Governments and More Read More »

All the Warning Signs You Need to Watch Out For to Spot a Phishing Email

It\’s no secret that the Internet has gotten significantly more dangerous in the last decade. In the 1990s, we only had to worry about accidentally downloading a malicious file from a rogue website that would inadvertently trigger a cyber- attack. Flash forward to today and the potential attack sources are seemingly endless, with phishing attacks …

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What Your Employees Need to Know About Avoiding Social Engineering Attacks on the Internet

Believe it or not, the vast majority of all cyber attacks in the modern era still occur for the same reason: they\’re the result of your current employees. Now, while it\’s true that some of these attacks are an inside job, such as an employee who is leaving your company taking as much proprietary data …

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Why Operating System Upgrades Are Far More Important Than You Realize

One of the most important parts of any computer is also, unfortunately, the one that people don\’t spend too much time thinking about: the operating system. In a lot of ways, the OS is the \”brains\” of any particular workstation. It\’s what allows you to get online and to access all of the applications that …

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