It was a crowded kick-off re-election campaign night at The Tavern Ivy City Smokehouse for Kenyan McDuffie, Councilmember of Ward 5 on Wednesday night. Many people came out to cheer him on as they chanted \”four more years.\”
In 2012 during a special election Ward 5 constituents elected Kenyan McDuffie as Councilmember and he has been moving up the ranking ever since. As of 2017, Councilmember McDuffie serves as the Chairperson of the Committee on Business and Economic Development which has oversight over 20 agencies and commissions including the Deputy Mayor of Planning and Economic Development. It was a star-studded crowd from longtime residents of Ward 5, to recently elected Democrat Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, Justin Fairfax, along with Mayor Muriel Bowser sharing words of inspiration.
Tune in for a recap of Kenyan\’s re-election campaign kick-off!