Major League Baseball\’s First Base are the Youth

Take me out to the ball game! Not just any ball game though – the Major League Baseball All-Star game!  The 89th All-Star game is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 17th at the Nationals Baseball Park Stadium in Washington, D.C.  The diamond field at the National\’s ball park will be glittering in platinum, or dusting some fans in disappointment; nonetheless batters up!

Whether it’s first base, second, third, or hitting a home run, baseball has been the great unifier and equalizer in America. Despite the racial tension in the country during the 1920\’s and 50’s baseball found a way to accommodate both racial ambiguities from Babe Ruth to Hank Aaron. It was those early transformations to the sport of baseball that made an entryway for the sport to be integrated into the school system. It was eventually offered as an extracurricular activity.  At one time parents were able to complete an application for their child\’s participation in sports programs at the facility. Exposure to baseball as a youth is very important to its preservation.

Perhaps more recreation centers in the cities could offer baseball as a weekly or monthly activity. Especially for those youths who are less likely to have exposure to the sport.  Most often recreation centers in the cities encourage exposure to football rather than baseball. Maybe it’s more cost effective.  Depending on which school children attend, baseball is often an extended extracurricular activity.  I recall not being exposed to baseball until middle school where I was the manager because my batting skills were not of a certain standard.

According to Commissioner Manfred for Major League Baseball, \”youth programs are important, it’s about our future.\”  So after the All-Star game is over the engagement of exposing youth to baseball is still an urgent need.

Moreover, now is the time for the best of the teams in both leagues to gather their top nine players to play in the 89th Midsummer Classic in D.C.