MPD to Enhance LanguageLine Access with Mobile App for All Members

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) announces the use of the new LanguageLine Mobile Application (LanguageLine app) to assist members in communicating with the District’s Limited-English Proficient (LEP) and Non/No-English Proficient (NEP) persons in a timely and effective manner.

Per the Language Access Act of 2004, MPD is required to provide oral language services at a level equal to English proficient individuals to all limited or non-English proficiency persons who seek to access or participate in the services, programs, or activities offered by MPD.

“The LanguageLine app was first constructed primarily for iPhone users, which was inconvenient for the majority of our officers that had MPD-issued Samsung devices,” said Imhotep Newsome, Program Manager of MPD’s Language Access Branch. “Our members recognized the need for a quicker and more efficient way to contact LanguageLine, as our department averages about 5,000 calls per year to the line. From there, the creation and development of the app for Samsung users was a team effort between our Language Access Branch and LanguageLine.”


For over 20 years, MPD members have had access to LanguageLine, as well as to MPD certified interviewers. LanguageLine’s direct phone number will still be available to assist with interpretation services, as the mobile app does not replace the standard procedures for contacting the line (via direct phone call); only enhances it.

“All residents and visitors to the District of Columbia should feel welcome and understood by our MPD members,” Chief of Police Peter Newsham said. “With the new LanguageLine app, we can remove language as a barrier to help better protect and serve every person in our city.”

For more information, please review the Metropolitan Police Department’s Language Access Program General Order here: