In a few weeks from today, many people will embark upon a new journey, or some will be back in the swing of things completing their college course curriculum\’s. Nonetheless, where does the value lie in the institution, student or student loan debt?
Asset Breakdown
The institution is simply a building without administrators, faculty, facility teams, and students. Suppose the value would be in the property of the institution in this case. In Washington, location is everything! Let\’s examine the value of assets further. What will keep the operation and beautification of the building? That\’s a two part answer considering the facilities team would beautify the building, and students keep the operation of the building functioning.
There is a possibility the institution uses it\’s discretion when inviting it\’s prospects in for admissions. An added pitch would help boost the prospective student into signing that promissory note to remain in that building for the duration of the study agreement requirements. Once the building breaks down into departments for degree studies, it allows for additional cost to accrue allocating that expense to the prospective student. The student must then determine if these fees are reasonable for the resources offered.
Using the University of the District of Columbia as an example of institutions with resources because it serves as an urban land grant institution. The Land Grant Act of 1862 granted land to each state in the union for the promotion of education in agriculture and the mechanic arts. The university has a farm, along with Water Resource Quality Center for the District and beyond making the resources very plentiful.
Value Place Holder
Moving right along with our value assessment, now it\’s time to determine the value of the student in the institution. The first observation and conclusion of this assessment is that the students value is priceless, so we really don\’t need to go any further. But to be fair, the students asset contribution equates to culture, diversity, academic strength, with the will to learn what it takes to be successful in their prospective career paths. Those are just some surface value assessments. If we go beyond the surface assessment, we learn that added cost are attached to bringing added value into the institution, so therefore it is beyond a mutual beneficial relationship.
Maybe it is the security that cost the most while in an institution setting. The possibilities are plenty, but the student is a major asset beyond the liability of student loan debt.
Student loan debt is scary, so perhaps there is much value in fear or the recent computer glitch wiping out $5 billion dollars of student debt is more friendly. Quite frankly, the loan service doesn\’t share in the same sentiment. Needless to say, if you must pay your way- it\’s best to pave the way in the process to securing that promissory note ensuring that your time was worth the value at the institution.
The Worth
Most institutions don\’t understand value outside of the student\’s account number was the sentiment shared by Rodney Sampson, Chairman of TechSquare Labs during the \”Rethinking the Investment Game: Angels, Incubators, Accelerators, Crowdfunding, and other Alternative Capital Sources,\” panel discussion at the MMTC 17 Conference. How devastating, luckily for platforms such as the MMTC Pitch Competition, former or current students can take their professional careers to new heights with prize money of $5,000 dollars.
Maybe I could\’ve pitch \”When the Press Link Up\” to the University of the District of Columbia before someone decided to add and implement my event production into a department degree program. Perhaps the value lies in the accreditation at this point.