Teen’s View

Teenager\’s Perspective on Police Shootings – Part 2

Let\’s continue exploring my perspective on the recent police shootings. In my opinion, I don\’t see how a single police officer has found guilty or even arrested because these incidents. In the Alton Sterling case I don\’t care what nobody says, he was not resisting arrest. The man was clearly already on the ground just confused …

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African-American Teenager\’s Perspective on the Dallas Shooting

I am a 16-year-old black male providing an African-American teenager\’s perspective on the Dallas shooting.  In my opinion, it was just an assassination of police. Several police officers were shot and killed by Micah Xavier Johnson. A young man, upset about the recent deaths of African-Americans,  decided to take matters into his own hands. Now me, …

African-American Teenager\’s Perspective on the Dallas Shooting Read More »

Days of Technology

[pro_ad_display_adzone id=\”2348\” corner_curl=\”1\” corner_small=\”20\” corner_animate=\”1\”] Three technologies that I use regularly and feel I can’t live without are my cell phone, television, and computer. I use my cell phone regularly because it helps me call and contact my peers, family, and provide an outlet to the world. I use my television regularly because it lets …

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