Mayor Bowser Promises a Fair Shot February

Mayor Muriel Bowser held her Two term outlook at Gallaudet University lead by various panel discussions to highlight the progress made in the District.  This is certainty a new approach and strategy to present investing in DC values, providing affordable housing, a more inclusive city, and most importantly a way to show accountability throughout the …

Mayor Bowser Promises a Fair Shot February Read More »

A Critical Conversation Continues Beyond the Symposium: Education in the District of Columbia

R.I.S.E. Demonstration Center was the place to be for the \”Race & Policy: Advancing Racial Equity and Economic Inclusion in the District of Columbia\” symposium co-hosted by Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie along with the D.C. Policy Center and Consumer Health Foundation. The well-attended event was standing room only, awaiting the panel discussions on various topics to take place: …

A Critical Conversation Continues Beyond the Symposium: Education in the District of Columbia Read More »